

Usage share of operating systems

As of December 2024, Android, which uses the Linux kernel, is the world's most popular operating system with 47% of the global market, followed by Windows with 26%, iOS with 17% , macOS with 5%, and other Linux devices with 1.4%. This is for all devi

Operating System Market Share Worldwide

This graph shows the market share of operating systems worldwide from Feb 2024 - Feb 2025. Android has 45.53%, Windows has 25.36% and IOS has 18.25%.

Mobile Operating System Market Share Worldwide

This graph shows the market share of mobile operating systems worldwide from Jan 2024 - Jan 2025. Android has 95.38%, IOS has 4.35% and KaiOS has 0.12%. Brazil · Canada · 2019 · 2018

Android vs iOS

Android has a worldwide hold of 70.71 percent whereas iOS holds 28.56 percent share of the global mobile operating system market.

Operating Systems Statistics By Market Share, Users and Facts

As of December 2023, iOS held 17.71% of the global mobile operating system market share. In the United States, its market share reached 26.67%.

Global Smartphone Sales Share by Operating System

The global smartphone OS landscape is dominated by Android and iOS. This page provides market share of iOS and Android.

Android vs. iOS

Apple iOS retains its position as the leading OS, holding a 54% market share. · Samsung sales remained flat compared to last year, with the budget-friendly ...

Smartphone Operating System Market Size & Outlook

The Smartphone operating system market is dominated by iOS and Android, with Android holding a slight market share advantage. However, other operating ...

Android vs iOS Market Share

Globally, Android has a 69.9% market share among smartphone users, compared to iPhone's 29.3% market share.

Mobile OS market share worldwide 2009-2024

Android maintained its position as the leading mobile operating system worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2024 with a market share of about 72.04 percent.

升級 iOS 10 你該知道的 10 件事

升級 iOS 10 你該知道的 10 件事

從6月WWDC蘋果發表了最新的iOS10到現在,經過了8個開發者測試版本,現在終於準備要正式發佈了,Winteriscoming... Falliscoming...傳說已久的"秋天"終於要來了…在升級iOS10之前,有10件事你應該要知道:--------...